Through our world, its media and its politicians, as citizens of this world, we are regularly told about the illegality of "migrants", in this or that context or situation...
Admittedly, the term "illegality" refers to the existing legislation, at the local, national or European level; a legislation that is questionable, perfectible, amendable, sometimes jurisprudential, but it is the existing legislation.
On the other hand, who defines the term "migrant" and according to which authority?
For most of those who use it, this highly publicized term is an "obvious" choice. For all that, if you look more closely, what is its legal and legislative foundation?
This term, "migrants", is used in everyday language, but what legal or legislative weight does it have?
What is the referential (including linguistic) foundation on which nations agree consensually, universally? Apparently, there isn’t one!
Therefore, what should we think of the words and gestures associated with the so-called "migrants"? That is a broad question... that has been left unanswered.
Should we limit this term to a positive, legal framework? Is it not better to let it migrate freely? A word to the migrant is enough!