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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 3 mins
Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien.

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 1 min
En mai, j'étais à Bruxelles et, grâce au contact d'un ami, j'ai séjourné à la Maison Josefa qui participe de la Fondation Josefa.

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 1 min
Interested in exploring the notions of collectiveness and inhabitation breaking away from its traditional paths that are often dictated by homogeneity and monetary criteria, I came to encounter Josefa. A place that I view and recognize as one positioning and reflecting on our existence as being all migrants settling in the world as passers-by with unique identities and thereby considering inhabitation besides a solely functional and material side.

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 4 mins
I learned that you would never again return to the Josefa House where you were staying, on March 21, 2023, the day of spring, the day when the living comes back to visit us to let us know, by this recurrence, by its frequent incursions into our lives, that it is eternal.

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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 4 mins
"May He who is perhaps dilate the heart of man to the measure of all life".
L’Oeuvre au noir (1968); Marguerite Yourcenar
There are moments when I feel sedentary. Moments with well-defined edges. These are often the ones that give rise to souvenir photos, images that can be shared...
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- Category: Témoignages
- Read Time: 9 mins
Some things change - some things stay the same, ...
This sentence was written in a brochure of a company I worked for some years ago. For me, it had a lot of truth in it and it still resonates today...