Am I a migrant?

According to the "standard" definition, at first glance, I am tempted to give a negative answer to this question. But is this really the case?

Since my birth, and even my conception, doesn't my life naturally involve moving, travelling, migrating, from one place to another, from one border to another? Granted, my migration has been, on the whole, free and by choice, but is it however a non-migration?

Furthermore, if I consult my genealogy, I discover undoubtedly many migrations which, in some ways, in an innate way, have carved migration in my genes.

And, in fact (or in law?), who can say that, for him or for her, my itinerary is false? Let the one who is not (or says he is not) migrating make the first step and walk in the footsteps of our migrant humanity!
