As an integral part of our migrant world and as a stakeholder in our free or forced migrations, the Josefa House is like a silent echo, catching emotions or unique feelings, depending on its guests in Brussels...
At times, our migrations seem to rush us out of this world, the world of which we are a part without really being of it. Indeed, it is not uncommon to feel, to sense that a displacement, a gap, tends to cut us off momentarily from this world of which we are a part and which often shapes us against our will.
Inscribed in time and space, this movement can also, sometimes, very rarely, offer the opportunity of an experience beyond the fear of moving away from the "source-home", a stable landmark. Of course, it can be a mere "spiritual", or even sensorial agitation, but it can also happen that this wandering leads to a hostel of another nature, where it is good to stop for a few minutes or for good.
For all that, the combination of joy and fear prevents us from staying too long, and even encourages us to resume the journey, sometimes with a brutal return to worldly temporalities, at other times with a call to a new path that is gentler, transformed, enriched with this brief time of a journey elsewhere. It was, or will be, once again, another story; but still our migrations can be path and meaning in everything, through everything. Let us listen to and feel the very hospitality of our migrations...