JOSEFA, a spirit?

In March, during a day of "retreat" for the Foundation’s theological think tank, the Josefa House reflected on the potential "spirit" which drives it ...

Here are some of the questions that started the discussion: What spirit is perceived or desired? With whom should we engage it and how far? And, finally, what do we hope to achieve?

The goal of this day was at the crossroads of temporal and spiritual dimensions, with the desire, more or less shared by the group, to think about or propose a possible path: in a way, to identify a spirit felt and embedded in the Josefa approach that could feed a transhistorical human unity: "all of us, migrants".

Strong questions about death also arose: a biological migration, the key to the passage towards a "somewhere else"…

In the end, the flow of our particular experience was meant to be in the service of a wider project, according to some fixed criteria and others still to be received. In a way, it is about looking at the future in search of a "fundamental" unity: there resides the "What for?"

The following step could be, with you, if you wish, to think about the "How" in light of our migrant condition(ality).

To be followed, according to spiritual harmonics on the way to harmonious unity.