If the most human way of appreciating a "business" is first to grant it a (not just legal) "personality" status, then secondly, one must assess the fair and sustainable development of its "person"
As for every human person, it is therefore good, today, to promote its migration; not in the sense of a power which would swing from some to others; not in the marketing sense of a life cycle; but very much in the sense of a trans-historical migration which allows the "person-business" to grow and go beyond the mere (conflicts of) interest related to power and money.
It would then be possible that, having started up a business, having succeeded and having lost "everything" in their homeland, people stemming from a forced migration ("refugees"), who "start over" in their host country/economy, would undoubtedly be most capable to share the humanly sustainable spirit which prevails in a start-up experience.
So, by bringing to light the "intangible", non-material ("spiritual") part of any business, some can undoubtedly reveal to others the essence of the "person-business". Because what gathers people, both in and around the "business", beyond power and money, is undoubtedly a "spirit of mankind in migration".