A Foundation, a House and an Academia… A way, voices… We and I ...
Josefa Foundation: a personality in the public interest. The Josefa Foundation has as a fundamental intuition that, by nature, as human beings, we are "all of us, migrants" and that a hospitality in reciprocity opens a new way for States, for their regions and their cities which are enriched by our migrations, convenient realities both for our societies, today, and for generations to come.
Our migrations are at the heart of our human condition, at the heart of our human History. They brighten our societies and tell the MEANING of our humanity on the move.
Vision: "All of us, migrants", according to a deliberately global approach (physical, psycho-intellectual and spiritual) for each of the persons that we are, for each one in his or her uniqueness, by favouring the cultural and faith-based dimensions attached to our migrations.
Josefa House: an empty space. First of all, all of us, migrants, but no specific narrative: there is no typology, no problem and no pathology using the terms "migrants" or "refugees".
Since the middle of 2015, the Josefa House is in the service of a conversion of the way we look at our migrations. Within it, in Brussels, live around thirty co-residents, migrants of the world, and numerous proposals: social, cultural and faith-based, open to all.
The Josefa House tells us in its own way (the way of its hosts) that every migration is unique according to every man and the whole man (wholeness of being).
Academia Josefa: a space of expression where each of us, migrant, is invited, according to his or her freedom, as far as his or her sense of wonder permits faced with "migration", to tell us, in his or her own language, what the situation is for him or her: "All of us, migrants; what about me?".
The Academia Josefa blog: ACADEMIA-Josefa.ORG