The Josefa House underwent an initial refurbishment, pending its planning permission to renovate the buildings and the collection of additional funding that public or private contributors will bring, having been made aware of the Josefa approach and its innovative character (migration – housing – integration).
As a chrysalis awaiting its metamorphosis, the Josefa House is offering, as of now, to host institutions, universities, and companies wishing to familiarise themselves with its program and benefit from its spaces for conferences, exhibitions or meetings, or even use its spaces for a retreat or a cultural or spiritual sharing experience.
The Josefa House therefore is calling you, us to live out this time of waiting, of transition, before the big renovation projects. It willingly opens its doors for a visit and, if the interest is mutual, for the provision of its space, in order to experience our migrations together and thus attempt to contribute to the renewal of our outlook on free or forced migration.